Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I would like to invite everyone to join Jenny and I on LinkedIn. We do not have a page dedicated to Bradley Publishing but we do each have our own individual profiles we plan to use for networking purposes. For those of you who have not heard of LinkedIn, I strongly encourage you to take a look. I have spent this past week at a career building conference that was put on for those of us transitioning out of the military. In this conference, I learned that one of the most important things an individual can do to either get a job, advance in a job, or promote themselves, is networking. LinkedIn was mentioned as one of the best ways to do that so this evening I made a profile. In a short amount of time I was able to upload my resume and tell all about myself and company, which will give other professionals a way to get information and network with me at a glance.

Zeb's LinkedIn
Jennifer's LinkedIn

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Let the Journey Begin

      Hi everyone. Wow, the time has flown since we opened this blog. As you all know, we are a new publishing company so we are constantly adding and upgrading to new ways of doing things. We decided a blog was a necessity, so now that we have some sort of routine down its time for some consistent blog posts. We are constantly learning more and more about the publishing industry as we go along, and I would like to share things we have learned and what we have seen work for others to help you all out who follow this blog.
     For this first post I am going to talk a little bit about the difficulties of marketing and gaining exposure for your newly published book. Most people think the hard part is writing the book, once that is done it is easy sailing. Just put the book for sale and away you go to be the next J.K. Rowling. As many first time authors have discovered, the adventure of being a successful author has just begun. We as the publisher are instrumental in making sure that the only thing that stands out about your book is the attention grabbing cover, and formatting that looks so good it blends in behind the story, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves without distraction. We also play a large part in the marketing side of things by providing readers information about the author, the book, and where they can get it.
     That being said, the #1 best marketing tool to sell a book is the author. Nobody knows your work or is more passionate about your work than you. Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. Once complete, get the word out to as many social media groups as possible. Talk to other authors in your genre, share information, get reviews, and make as many people aware of your book as possible.
     One important thing to remember is that just because your book is for sale, unless a huge amount of advertising has been put into your book ahead of time, do not expect large sales right off the bat. Gaining a following takes time and the best thing to do is stay positive and keep plugging away at getting your work to as many readers as possible.
     I am going to go ahead and cut this short to save more to talk about tomorrow. In the meantime, make sure to check out the websites and blogs of our contributors to the right.